CHAPTER-1:1:19 (EARLY FALL)-DAY-19         

     Cory and Angel Frankovitch were both up early that morning and eager to get started on their new lives in Glen Harbor.They were both going to start with studying their new skills they needed to learn so they could function in the new hometown and get their lives started.

    They were both busy studying when the letter carrier dropped off the mail and they would have to pay the bills very soon.They also knew they'd have to start at their new jobs at the spa where they both worked part time.It was from 3PM until 6PM for their shifts.

    Cory started tending their garden while Angel was busy studying and trying to gain skills.This kept both of them very busy until about noon when they had to start getting ready for work and needed to use the washroom.They both intended to be ready by 2:30.

    Cory and Angel were both leaving for work at about 2:30 in the afternoon and they were going to come home at 6PM.It was actually their first day working at the new jobs and they wanted to do very well and to be able to earn their promotions and raises.

    They both started for home at 6PM and were looking to have dinner when they arrived at home after work.It was still daylight then though it was beginning to get dark outside at 6PM and they still had to eat dinner and get ready for bed before the day was over.

    They both ended up eating soup for dinner which was something new they finally got a chance to do every evening before going to bed.It wasn't like that for them before coming to the new North American colony to start new lives as colonial settlers in a new land.
    Angel went to bed soon after eating his dinner while Cory went outside to make sure the bills were paid before she would even think about heading to bed.It was already 7PM and Cory still had a few final daily chores to get done before she could head off to bed.

   Angel was fast asleep by 7:30 in the evening when Cory finally got herself into bed and began to fall asleep.She was grateful to not only have land they could own in a few years,but to also have a house to shelter them from the weather.


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