LATE SUMMER-DAY-14    

    Eli and Ami Jankowsky were up early that morning and eating breakfast before the sun had fully risen for the day.They had both showered and started eating breakfast before they would start working in the gardens to harvest produce and sell it to the grocery store.
    They both worked in their own gardens with Eli working Garden House while Ami worked Garden Market and got that produce harvested and ready for sale at the grocery store.They both worked very hard though it ended up not being much so late in the season.
   Eli headed over to garden Market to join Ami for dinner after using the washroom and cleaning up.It was already 5PM and they were done for the day except for selling the produce at the store.They both ate bowls of soup for dinner and got ready to sell their produce.
   They both sold the produce and ended up making 1200$ in cash which was a little less than usual and they managed to get done with that before 6PM and would be heading back to Garden House to have a little fun before going to finish their house and get to bed.
    Eli and Ami both ended up playing chess for a while and managed to have fun for an hour until it was 7PM and they had to get home and finish the house and get themselves to bed.They were both going to have to use the washrooms before getting home and getting to bed.
    They got the last wall section up and siding outside with the final touches on the house before they went to bed in their sleeping bags in the newly finished house and would wake up to furnishing the house on the last day of summer and dressing warmer.


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