CHAPTER-1:1:21-(MID FALL)-DAY-21              

    Eli and Ami Jankowsky were both up early that morning and looking to get started on their day though the ground was covered in frost and there was a stray dog outside their house.It was breakfast time and they would spend some time studying after eating breakfast.
    Eli was eating breakfast while Ami played chess on his computer to build up logic skill until it was near time to get ready for work or to go harvest a garden and act like they had work.It was actually Friday so they would have work for the evening and garden the next day.
    They were both studying skills though Ami was now studying fishing on the iPad and Eli was playing chess on her computer.It was getting onto the early afternoon and time for them to start getting ready for work so they could leave for Garden Market at 3PM.
     They both managed to leave for work at 3:30 in the afternoon and were at work until 7PM when their shift would be over for the day.Eli wad hungry when she left for work and didn't get a chance to eat while she was at work which meant she'd likely have to eat when she got home.
    Eli and Ami were both very tired when they got home at about 7PM though Ami was able to just go straight to bed while Eli ended up eating some soup because she couldn't get to bed until she had something to eat.She had forgotten to eat at work and was starving. 
    She finished eating by 8PM and washed her dishes before getting into her sleeping bag to get to sleep for the night.


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