CHAPTER-34-SECOND YEAR-1:2:1 (SPRING)               

      Eli and Ami Jankowsky were up so early that first morning in spring of 1661 that it was just getting light out as they were getting out of bed to get ready for facing the day.It was also the first day of the new year and they were looking foreward to making plans for the coming year like getting ready to be able to start their family with their first child or first wave of children.

    Ami was tending to the plant while Eli got herself ready for the day and the letter carrier was also dropping off their bills at that time since it was getting later in the day.

      They both started to study and learn skills using their iPads to study skills online and they were learning everything they could so they would be able to take care of their own repairs.

      They eventually had to stop studying to get ready for work though it was so close to time to leave that Ami went to garden market and got ready there.Eli got ready at home and left after using the washroom.

     Eli arrives at work while Ami was finishing off a juice box he started drinking before work and he ended up at work on time though he wasn't early because he was too hungry to work.

    Eli and Ami got off work at 7PM and Eli was starving though the leftovers either had gone bad or were beginning to spoil.

    She got some leftover salad out and failed to notice it was going bad and ended up eating spoiled salad for dinner.

      Eli was getting ready to get to sleep after dinner while Ami was getting an allergy shot at the hospital.

    It was 9PM when Ami finished with the allergy shot and was able to get home to get himself to bed in his sleeping bag.


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