CHAPTER-37-SECOND YEAR-1:2:4 (SPRING)            


    There was a new home lot down in Glen harbor and a new resident was due to arrive either that evening if not during the following morning.The newcomer expected to arrive was just a nine year old kid living alone after losing her entire family and being forced to come over alone to start over.
    Nine year old Rudy Wagner had lost her family as they began to flee from an unruly mob of witch hunters who were actually breaking the laws at the time though enforcement of those laws was very poor at best and the chase caused Rudy to lose her family and to be the only survivor of her family.
   Rudy arrived at her lot and noticed that there was no house and that there was nowhere nearby to sleep if it got cold so she headed into town to camp at the library until morning when she could start studying to learn the skills she needed to get by in a town as a kid living alone with no parents or guardians.
    She ended up having to head into town to camp at the library because it was way too cold to stay on her own lot for the night.She used her own sleeping bag on the floor of the library to get to sleep since there were no beds at the library.It was unlikely that anybody would use the computers in the night.
    Rudy managed to sleep through the rainy night which was her first night in Glen Harbor which was her new home town.It had started to rain and kept pouring rain through the night as she slept on the floor of the library.A cop did stop in during the night to read a skill book and left later.
    Rudy ended up stopping to get herself something to eat and found the kitchen had a fridge and a microwave for locals to use in preparing food.She felt that she'd need to get more gardening skill so she could harvest enough produce to earn money for building her house on her lot before winter arrived.
    The sky clouded over with very heavy and very dark clouds before Rudy could start back home so she stayed there since it had begun pouring rain and there was thunder with lightening from the sudden storm.It went on for a few hours and it was about 4:30 in the afternoon before it cleared up.
    Rudy stayed at the library and had studied skills like gardening and handiness while the storm had her stuck there and she hoped to finally be able to start heading home.It was starting to get fairly late and she had a ways to go after getting done with the washroom and with making sure she ate.
    She didn't manage to get home to her lot until it was about 7:30 in the evening and had to get to sleep in her sleeping bag.


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