NEW ARRIVALS-SUMMER ARRIVAL-Day-5 

  Eli and Ami Jankowsky both got up early and got themselves ready for the new day and Ami was still sick with a touch of the flu and wasn't going to be able to do any gardening himself while Eli was still able to work on gardens though she was about to get sick herself.They both ended up eating breakfast and getting themselves ready for the day and Ami wanted to get to work on studying to learn his skills while he was still sick and hoped to get over it soon so he could get back to gardening again.

  Ami sat down outside to study while Eli got to work on the gardens and got the produce harvested and ready to be sold at the grocery store for cash to pay for building their house once they got enough to start building.This was why they'd left to colonize in North America and they were planning to start their own family one day after they'd been settled in for a while and gotten themselves established.

 Eli was busy working on harvesting from the fruit trees and was going to work on the other garden area soon after working on the trees and that was a lot of work for just her though she was working alone because Ami was still very sick and couldn't work a garden while he was sick with the flu.She was looking to make at least 1000$ if she could with the harvest and she also hoped to get a harvest from the money tree.That would give them enough to pay for the start of their house.

 Eli was ready to eat when she got done with harvesting the produce later into the afternoon by about 4:30 and she ended up eating a bowl of soup for dinner because she had to get to Garden Market to sell the produce and to their own lot to clean up and check on things.They both still remembered how hard it had been growing up just getting enough to eat and not having regular homes to live in because the family was too poor for housing.Ami was still sick and about to get over the flu and Eli was heading to the store to sell their produce and was stopping at their lot after to check on it before finding herself sick with the flu and forced to return to Garden House for the night.

  She was aware of it starting to get dark outside while she checked on their lot to make sure everything was fine there.She had to pay the bills and throw out an old newspaper before returning to Garden House to spend the night there.The nights at community lots reminded them of their lives in the old country before they finally decided to leave and hope they could immigrate and start better lives in a new colony.

 Eli was sick and got to bed first while Ami was busy eating dinner and getting to use the washrooms before going to bed himself.She was asleep and Ami was still getting himself ready for bed.They were both planning on delaying the children to get themselves set up first and to make sure they were ready for that before starting the family.They were looking at the future when they chose their large lot which could pass down to their youngest kid when they were elderly and the youngest was a kid and old enough to live on their own.

  Ami finally made it to bed and got himself to sleep by 8:30 in the evening and he was very tired from the day's activities.Eli was already asleep and had been since 8PM.They were sitting there with 10000$ in cash and that was almost enough to start building their house.They both knew their parents would be glad to see them improving their situations and their quality of life by colonizing in a new land.



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