The residents of Glen Harbor were still managing to cope with winter though it was getting near the end of the season and spring was to be arriving soon.They still had five more days left of winter before they'd be seeing the arrival of early spring.They did notice that their ingredients for cooking fresh meals had begun to run very low and were in danger of running out which would mean eating the leftovers up and hoping the leftovers weren't all starting to go bad.

   The Jankowsky and Frankovitch families finally found out they were almost out of produce for cooking and were already having to start eating only leftovers over the next few days in the later part of winter and knew it would be getting even worse by the time spring had started up.The Jankowskys had also  begun building a new room intended to serve as their bedroom so they could start sleeping in there and stop being forced to find quiet entertainment or head out if the other was in bed.

    The locals in town were still managing to make it to their jobs every day and still managed to eat their meals though they were eating leftovers that were all starting to go bad and would end up having spoiled food in their fridges needing to be eaten.They would end up racing to get their leftovers eaten before the meals started getting swarmed with flies though it always ended up being at least one meal like that still waiting to get eaten.

    The Jankowskys ended up finally finishing off the new room in the last days of winter and were already moved into the room with their sleeping bags before getting to bed one night after being at work for the day.They were still not seeing any snow and it was becoming clear that it was to be a snowless winter and that was fine for them since the Jankowskys had gotten a head start on expanding their home.

    The Frankovitch family had a few plumbing fixtures break and would have to stop to fix them up before doing anything else like leaving for work so they tried to start getting ready early so something like that wouldn't make them late for work.They were getting a new clear sunny days and it looked like they might also get a few cloudy days with either fog or possible rain falling.

    It was finally starting to happen to the residents that their leftovers were all spoiling and some getting so spoiled that they were starting to attract flies.Cory and Angel Frankovitch both ate some of their leftover salad and it was beginning to attract flies when they started eating plates of it.Eli and Ami had some mac and cheese attracting flies they had to start eating because they wanted to clear it out of the fridge so they could start eating the salad before it got too badly spoiled.

     The town's residents were all still using iPads to study skills and to play online social games when they needed breaks from studying after working very hard and getting stressed out.They were also getting even closer to the end of winter since there would be another day left and it was starting to get a little warmer which meant it might end up raining on the last day of winter.

    Cory and Angel Frankovitch were both up early on the morning of the last day of winter and it had started pouring rain in the night and continued raining into the morning.They only had spoiled leftover meals by then and spring was starting the next day.

     They managed to be ready for the new day and started tending to the chores for the day and studying for new skills as the day was progressing.It was still raining very hard outside and they were hoping winter was over soon since there'd been no snow at all that winter and they hoped it might come the next winter.

     Their day ended up passing by very quickly and they'd been to work and come back home after work to find it was already time to get to bed at 7:30 in the evening and get to sleep so they could be ready for the arrival of spring in the morning.


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